
العقارات التجارية هي الشركة العقارية التجارية الوحيدة في السوق المصري.

نحن متخصصون فقط في المكاتب والأراضي والمصانع ومحلات البيع بالتجزئة والمراكز الطبية ومراكز التسوق والمستودعات.

لدينا قدرة فريدة على تقديم خدمة عقارية فريدة حيث نلبي احتياجات ومتطلبات العملاء من خلال مجموعة واسعة من الأمور المتعلقة بالممتلكات والخدمات المرتبطة بها.

لدينا قدرة عالية على التطور مع كون سوق العقارات المتغير باستمرار في طليعة صناعة العقارات التجارية.

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معلومات عنا

تقدم العقارات التجارية خدمة كاملة من العقارات التجارية التي تقدم خدمة مخصصة عالية الجودة ضمن احتياجاتك المرغوبة وتعظيم ربحية شركتك والأصول المحتملة. يحرص فريقنا الذي يتمتع بخبرة تزيد عن 10 سنوات في سوق العقارات التجارية على الحفاظ على رضا العملاء في كل طلب.




Henry Schneider

Henry graduated from Edinburgh College of Art with a Diploma in Architecture (RIBA Part 2) in 2000. Following a five year period working at Richard Murphy Architects as a project architect he established Henry Schneider Visualisation which, through his constant thrust for research and development and perpetual willingness to share knowledge with the industry through his blogging, rapidly became a world leader in architectural visualisation


Thomas Muller

Thomas graduated from Edinburgh College of Art with a Diploma in Architecture (RIBA Part 2) in 2000. Following a five year period working at Richard Murphy Architects as a project architect he established Thomas Muller Visualisation which, through his constant thrust for research and development and perpetual willingness to share knowledge with the industry through his blogging, rapidly became a world leader in architectural visualisation


Edward Rockwell

Edward graduated from Edinburgh College of Art with a Diploma in Architecture (RIBA Part 2) in 2000. Following a five year period working at Richard Murphy Architects as a project architect he established Edward Rockwell Visualisation which, through his constant thrust for research and development and perpetual willingness to share knowledge with the industry through his blogging, rapidly became a world leader in architectural visualisation


Melissa Hoffman

Melissa graduated from Edinburgh College of Art with a Diploma in Architecture (RIBA Part 2) in 2000. Following a five year period working at Richard Murphy Architects as a project architect he established Melissa Hoffman Visualisation which, through his constant thrust for research and development and perpetual willingness to share knowledge with the industry through his blogging, rapidly became a world leader in architectural visualisation